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About TRSR Exchange

TRSR Exchange was birthed in Silicon Valley from the creativity and innovation of two individuals' dreams converging into one.  The combination of various industry backgrounds and skills in graphics design and technology/sales made a complementary fit to bring into fruition the common passion and desire to share The Word through the expression of art. 


The company is faith-based with the vision of cheerfully giving The Word - God’s treasures – from the heart.  These are the most valuable treasures one could have.  In the process of creating the company name, TRSR Exchange, the revelation that the greatest Treasure Exchange was and is Jesus Christ.


Our mission and purpose are to:

- Bring Light and Truth into this world by sharing the Good News.

- Transform lives (deliverance, healing, and freedom).

- Pay the treasures forward:

   ·  As a faith-based organization a 10% tithe is given to support other organizations in the body of Christ and throughout the world (homeless ministry and orphanages).

   ·  Assist other businesses in producing and sharing their creative designs on to merchandise.


"But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver." ~ 2 Corinthians 9:6-7



God has given us the keys to the Kingdom, in which you will see the hidden keys throughout our designs.


May the treasures you find remind you of the power and authority Jesus Christ has given you.


"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid;  and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." ~ Matthew 13:44


"And I will give you the keys  of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." ~ Matthew 16:19  

Our Stories



My name is Dung Tran.  I am married to a loving, beautiful wife, Anne.  Together, we have two precious boys.


I have been in the design industry for more than 20 years in graphics, structural, environmental, and signage;  also, designing in space planning, kitchens, and now apparel. 

In 2013, God brought me out of darkness.  He delivered me from bi-polar, depression, and suicide.  I have not been the same person ever since.  I remember when I first met Jesus, I couldn't sleep.  It was as if I had a new pair of eyes.  I would walk my dog at 3:00 a.m. in the morning, worshipping, dancing, and spinning around on the streets until sunrise.  People would see me and think that I was crazy!  I was crazy for God because He found me and saved me from the pits of hell.  He has done so much in my life.  To this day, God continuously shows His love.  His love never stops and it never ends.  


All good gifts come from God.  I would like to use the gifts that God has given me to share the Gospel.  My prayer is that these designs will touch souls and soften peoples' hearts to receive and experience what God has done for me.  What He has done for me, He will also do for you.  He is a real living God who shows compassion and love to the broken.  


Seek and you will find.  Knock and it shall be opened.  Ask and it shall be given.  Once you find the Truth, never lose sight of God!  He is the Way. He is Life.  He never fails.


God bless!!!

Joy & Kids.jpg

Hello there!


I am ConnethJoy Gabriel.  I go by "Joy."  Born and raised in the Bay Area, California, and of third generation Filipino immigrants.  My grandparents came to America in pursuit of a better life, and worked hard as farmers, hospitality service workers, and also participated in the early start of the semiconductor boom. 


My dream as a little girl was to become a nurse, however, the paths I chose were different.  I started a family at 16 yrs. old.  By God's grace, I was able to graduate high school on time.  In my early working years, I experienced being a CNA and and medical biller.  I shifted from the medical field to working as a receptionist for a semiconductor company.  I worked full-time and attended college part-time throughout the years.  In 2009, I received a Bachelors Degree in Business Management and continued my career path in the semiconductor industry.  In 2018, I left the corporate world and worked for a short period of time in behavioral health and for my church.  In 2020, God  brought me back into the corporate world and now sharing the gospel through art and creativity.


I am blessed with five beautiful, wonderful children.  They have always been my encouragement and inspiration to keep going, despite the challenges we have faced in life.  May it be because of unwise choices or lack thereof, or generational cycles, we all have experienced hurt, sadness, brokenness, and hopelessness.  Although, I grew up in the Christian faith, I allowed negative actions and words spoken over me to label me, resulting in unhealthy, destructive behaviors.  I led a double life of putting on a smile and never feeling content.


In 2014, I re-dedicated my life to God.  I remember that moment vividly, crying out to the Lord and asking him to forgive me and all who hurt me.  In an instant, I felt the darkness that was in my life leave me.  God delivered and healed me by the power of the Holy Spirit!  He turned my entire world upside down for the better.  I tasted and saw the goodness of God.  His presence is real, tangible.  From that moment on, I looked for God every day.   


I truly believe it was a result of fervent prayers from family, my children, and others interceding.  Now, I am able to truly walk out who God named me to be - "Joy!"  


It is my prayer that all will taste and see the goodness of God through our designs inspired by the Holy Spirit - whether you are the one wearing or seeing the apparel.  God bless.



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